Low-Light Handgun Operations I

Category: Product ID: 4105


The Low-Light Handgun Operations One course will help you learn to deploy your handgun in low and no-light situations. You will learn the use of both pistol-mounted and hand-held lights during defensive engagements. The class size is limited to 8 students. There is a course prerequisite of Intermediate Handgun or equivalent. Class begins at 1830 (6:30 P.M.) sharp!

Please arrive 10 minutes early! There are only porta-potty at the range and no running water. Hand gel is provided.


  • $60 for Non-Members
  • $40 for Members / Member Family / Law Enforcement / Active EMS / Active ER Nurses / Active Duty Military / Fire-Fighter
  • There are no refunds for missed classes, a range training credit will be issued.

You will be taught and practice:

  • Use a hand-held flashlight with a pistol
  • Use of a pistol-mounted light (if you have one installed)
  • Shooting positions
  • Light discipline


  • Pistol
  • Holster (NO SERPA / appendix carry)
  • 3 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • Hand-held flashlight
  • Pistol-mounted light (optional)
  • 200 rounds of pistol ammunition
  • Baseball cap
  • Eye protection
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Eye protection
  • Electronic hearing protection (loaners available)
  • Food and drinks, we do not leave the range for lunch
  • Sunscreen

NOTE: The Club and training facility is rustic and does not have running water. Our restrooms are porta-potties with hand-sanitizing dispensers. The classroom is climate controlled however due to the extreme temperature variations during the year we recommend dressing for the season and keeping in mind the range and classroom are often chilly in the morning and evening hours during the non-sweltering months.

There are no vending or food/drink services on the club property or nearby. Our daylong courses require that students bring all food, drinks, and snacks they will desire for the length of the course.  Most classes utilize a working lunch and students will not have time to leave the property for lunch.



To register for a class, READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST. Note that you are allowed to register ONE person at a time for a class. To register multiple people, you must go through this process for each person individually:

  1. First, you must put the number "1" (without quotes) into whichever red box matches your status... There are two boxes to choose from, depending on if you are a current BRPC Member, Active Duty Military, or LEO (or none of these). If you are Member, Active Duty, or LEO then change the "0" to a "1" in that box. Otherwise, change the "0" to a "1" in the other box.
  2. Next, select a date to register for from the calendar that shows a GREEN background. If you do not immediately see any dates with a green background, that means there are no dates available for that month. Click the right-arrow at the top of the calendar to move to the next month, and keep doing this until you find a green date that is available for registration.
  3. After clicking the date you want to register for, the "Booking Cost" will then be displayed below the calendar. At that point, simply enter your Member Card Number (if applicable) and click the red BOOK NOW button to complete the process and checkout.