Member Information Area
Welcome to the BRPC Member Information Area. The Member Information Area was created to provide club members with information and knowledge required for safe participation at the club.
Note that membership renewals begin on November 1st of each year. See the renewal section on this page for further information.
Gate Access Cards
BRPC members are issued one gate access card. The card is to remain in the possession of the Club Member and cannot be loaned or given to any other person. This includes allowing immediate family members or friends to use the card. When a member renews their membership, the card will be updated for the renewed year. Non-renewed members cards will be deactivated at the end of the membership period.
Presentation of the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club membership card and a photo ID is required when requested by Range Safety Officers, Board Members or Executive Committee Members of the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club. Guests and family members are also required to provide photo Identification when requested. It is the duty and responsibility of the Club Management to not only address issues occurring on the ranges but to spot-check and verify that only approved individuals are utilizing the facility. Being cooperative when asked for your Member card and a photo ID is appreciated and helps protect the club.
Guests and Family
BRPC members are allowed to bring immediate family members OR 2 guests to the range. If you want to bring additional guests, please come on a day when the Public Courtesy Range is open pay for your extra guests. If you bring guests or family, you must stay with them the entire time they are on the range. You may not leave while your guests or family are still on the range.
All family members and guests must sign a BRPC waiver. We cannot have anyone, shooter or spectator, on club grounds without a signed waiver on file. When a guest or family member agrees to the stipulations in the waiver BRPC is authorized to grant a limited membership allowing them to accompany the escorting member and utilize both public and member areas to utilize of the club. A limited membership does not grant voting rights or imply the individual is a Club Member.
Range Access
BRPC membership is required for entry to the member ranges. During busy periods members are allowed to utilize the Public Courtesy range, at no charge, based on availability on the public ranges. BRPC Membership does not guarantee you a shooting bay on any specific day or time. The ranges are shared with members and club events.
Members should check the Member Ranges for availability before attempting to utilize the Public Courtesy Ranges on days when the Public Range is open. The on-duty RSO will always attempt to accommodate members when space on the courtesy range is available.
Other Information
Only Club Approved Vendors can offer training at BRPC. Performing any commercial training (NRA, learn to shoot, advanced shooting, CCW, Security), for payment or not, without being a authorized club vendor is a violation of the member agreement.
Remember, membership in the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club is a privilege, not a right, be courteous to all other users of the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club range, and please help take care of your range.