Vintage Military Rifle Silhouette
This discipline involves shooting steel silhouette targets shaped as various game animals at distances from 200 to 1,100 yards. Any WWII or older military rifle from any country, bolt action, or semi-automatic may be used. The most common rifles used are M1 Garands, Mausers, Springfields, Swiss and Mosin Nagants. Surplus ammo is welcome, however, armor piecing and incendiary ammunition is not allowed.
A typical match consists of 60 shots, with 10 shots taken at each stage. We have a “Flavor of the Month” Special Event using a specific model rifle or cartridge as well as the main event as described above. You may shoot one rifle in either event or two rifles, one in each event.
Match Dates:
First Sunday of every month.
Match Location:
Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club Silhouette Range.
Match Times:
Sign in at 8:00 A.M.
Match Fees:
You may shoot up to two rifles at $10 each.
More Information:
Contact the match director:
Joe Brennan
(702) 809-9068