Varmint Bench Rest Silhouette

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The Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club introduces a shooting discipline using Metallic Silhouettes for an exciting new game.

Match Information:

The shooter will be presented with steel targets at five distances that must be hit to be scored. Shooters will be assigned a relay and firing order. A match will consist of 25 shots fired for record, 5 shots at each distance, 560, 720, 880, 960 and 1,100 yards and an unlimited amount of sighters that a shooter can get downrange in 2 minutes before the start of each of their relays.

The match winner will be the competitor who impacts the greatest number of targets of the combined distances (best of 25). The match will be held the second Saturday of every month with the exception of October when the match may be cancelled due to hunting season. Registration starts at 0700 and will be completed promptly at 0745 with first shots fired immediately following the safety briefing.

Match Fees:

Cost is $10. Shooters may elect to shoot two guns for those wanting to compete in both the under 12 lb and the 12 to 22 lb classes for an additional $5.

Gun Classes:

  • Heavy: Over 12 lbs with maximum weight of 22 lbs.
  • Standard: Any rifle under 12 lbs.

Magnum Calibers

Magnum Calibers may be used but none larger than .338 bullet diameter. In addition the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club reserves the right to disallow any competitor whose ammunition is found to be causing undo damage to the steel targets. No full metal jacket, steel-core, or tracer ammo!

As in the 1000 yard rules, the gun rests must be two separate items not physically connected (no lead sleds or one-piece rests allowed). Nor may the gun be otherwise physically restricted from free recoil except by the shooters shoulder and hands. Bipods are permitted as a form of rest.

Shooters may shoot from a bench or may shoot prone.

As in silhouette, a shooter may have a spotter or coach to assist during the competition. Communication between the shooter and spotter is encouraged.

Time limits

1 minute for prep time between relays, 2 minutes for sighters, followed by 4 minutes for the 5 shots for record per relay at each distance.

After the cease-fire command all bolts will be removed from the firearms or an empty chamber indicator MUST be placed in the action of the rifle. Targets will then be reset and shooters will have another 5 shot string, without additional sighters, completing that distance/animal before leaving the line. When the shooters relay is re-called to the line he/she will advance on to the next distance/animal in progressive sequence until all four distances and animals have been engaged.

Match Location:

Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club Members Range.

Match Times:

Registration is promptly at 7:30 AM with first shots fired at 7:45 AM.

More Information:

Contact the Match Leads: John Armstrong – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Scott Armstrong – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 702.485.6336.

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