Cowboy Action Shooting

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The Cowboy Action Shooting activity is run by the Eldorado Cowboys who are associated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS).

Cowboy Action Shooting is a multi-faceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever-action rifles, and old-time shotguns.

The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized, “Old West” style. It is a timed sport in which shooters compete for prestige on a course of different shooting stages.

Match Dates:

First Sunday of every month and the preceding Saturday (same month or preceding month).

Match Location:

Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club Members Range.

Match Times:

8:00 A.M. Shooter Meeting – Main Match, June – October
Winter Schedule starts at 9:00 AM, November – May

Match Fees:

All fees collected at the match event.

  • $10.00 for Eldorado Cowboy shooters.
  • Free for Juniors (Ages 9 – 16).
  • $15.00 for all others.
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