Iron sights Juniors (Youth) Program sponsored by brpc

This program is designed to provide Juniors with a safe and controlled environment to learn firearm safety and participation in the NRA Marksmanship Program. The Juniors program meets on the first Saturday of every month to provide Juniors with the proper knowledge, skills, and attitude to use rifles and shotguns safely. The First Steps Class starts at 8:30 AM and runs for two to two and a half hours. Please meet at the training building. This class is required before participating in the range.

Juniors who have already taken the FIRST Step Class may go directly to the range. The range will open at 9:00 AM so that you may be shooting while new shooters are in class.


Your child is aged eleven to twenty years old (younger students may be accepted depending upon physical abilities and maturity, and approval of the instructor).


We provide safety equipment, firearms, ammunition, certified instructors, and targets. All you need to supply is a Junior willing to have fun.

Active participants may bring personal safety equipment and may be allowed to fire personal rifles. If they bring personal rifles they will be required to be inspected.


Our Classroom schedule is listed below, it is not monthly. New participants will be in the classroom from 8:30 – 11:00 AM and then proceed to the range for the shooting portion of the course. Other participants start at 9:00 AM at the range to check in and meet with the instructors. We will finish up at the range at approximately 12:30 PM.

There is no charge for this activity.

Parents/guardians are required to stay with their child during the entire time they are in class. Sorry, but No Drop-Offs are allowed.

The BRPC Juniors Registration form must be completed by the accompanying parent or legal guardian and presented at the range before active participation. This form is also available at the range to be filled out when you arrive early.

For more information please contact Larry Simon

This is our Talent Release and Parent Authorization form. Please fill it out and bring it to your first training class. ParentAuthorization-TalentReleaseForm_Fillable


Class Date Close Date Registration Link
5/3/2025 4/26/2025
9/6/2025 8/25/2025

