The Boulder Rifle Pistol Club is an all-volunteer operated non-profit club offering firearm and archery rangesLatest Announcement
The most recent club announcement will always be located below. Click the VIEW ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS button to view the entire announcements list.2025 BRPC MEMBERSHIP UPDATE version 12-04-24
Dear Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club Members,
2025 Membership renewal emails for existing members have been sent. If you have not received your membership renewal email, please check your spam folder before emailing the membership director for assistance.
2025 Membership renewal for those who do not have a BRPC website account will be emailed this week. If you have never renewed your membership using the BRPC website, then you are one of those members who will have to renew by sending a check to our PO Box.
The 2025 Online membership renewal system will be closed on January 31st, 2025. Per the current BRPC bylaws members who do not renew by March 15th, 2025, may not be allowed to renew their membership.
Thank You
Membership Committee Chairman