Varmint BenchRest Silhouette
July 12 @ 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)
An event every month that begins at 7:30 am on day Second of the month, repeating indefinitely
The shooter will be presented with steel targets at five distances that must be hit to be scored. Shooters will be assigned a relay and firing order. A match will consist of 25 shots fired for the record, 5 shots at each distance, 560, 720, 880, 960, and 1,100 yards, and an unlimited amount of sighters that a shooter can get downrange in 2 minutes before the start of each of their relays.
The cost is $10. Shooters may elect to shoot two guns for those wanting to compete in both the under 12 lb and the 12 to 22 lb classes for an additional $5.